The Great Commission is our mission -to go into all the world and make disciples of every nation. False doctrine is rampant in the Earth. Our desire is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ which was once delivered unto the saints -God's Words, not our words or words of others. All scripture in the Old Testament and New Testament reveal Jesus Christ. In Him dwells ALL the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Do you know what the Bible says and understand it? A person must have knowledge of the Bible and be filled with God's Spirit to differentiate between true and false doctrine. Have you repented and received the Holy Ghost since you believed? Belief leads to action. Our desire is to guide people into ALL truth -as the scripture says- teaching the same message Jesus Christ taught the Apostles.
God's character and nature is complex. One of God's attributes is love. God is love.
Our passion is to share the love of God in sincerity and in truth. You can expect a warm welcome and a powerful move of God's Spirit in our church. We treat others with kindness and we worship the Bible way. God's love can shine in your heart and help with all the issues of life. His Spirit gives us power to overcome the world as He has already done. Come and experience the difference Jesus Christ makes when He fills you with His Spirit!
Our church family would love to connect with you. Come Worship with Us!
Wednesdays 7:30pm